Sunday, May 28, 2023

Teachnology Blog #12

 This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning 

Teachnology is a website for educators, it has lots of interactive games and resources for educators. While going through this website, one of the most valuable things I noticed and enjoyed looking into was the rubric creators. I never really thought about the importance of rubrics especially in the lower elementary classrooms. On the page with the rubrics there is a small article that goes over the importance of rubrics in all grades and education. 

This website is a very good resource for teachers to use and explore when you have extra time. Every time I go to this website, I am finding something new to explore. It is full of so many new resources to find. 

This is simple to use, with the tool bars on the side of the page you can maneuver very easy. This website does take you to external websites to get to these resources. 

I find this website simple to use and very useful to use in the future in my classroom. 

Rubrics and Rubric Makers (


  1. I bet you happy that you have completed the final blog. Anyways this sounds really usefull I wonderd how I was ever going to keep track of everything or find more teacher websites

  2. Alixandra- I explored the link that you attached in your blog post. I love the different rubric ideas and generators- this is so helpful! I liked the one for classroom participation. Great choice of site!


Teachnology Blog #12

  This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning  Teachnology is a website for educators, it has lots of interactive games and ...