Saturday, May 27, 2023

Pinterest Blog #10

   This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning 

Pinterest is a tool that can be used to look for and share ideas for your classroom, and lessons. I want to focus on the lesson planning aspect of this website. I really love this platform; it is really easy to use and quick to find ideas. I spend a lot of time looking at all the fun interactive ideas that I dream of implementing into a classroom. When looking at the lesson plan books, there are some interactive activities to use to help bring the engagement up in the classroom.

This website is super easy to use and manipulate. It is full of super simple and easy to use activities for you to use in the classroom. This website is full of the creative ideas to help tie into your content of your classroom. As a teacher it is really important to meet the needs of your students and their learning abilities. By making sure that all of our students are understanding and getting the information they need to be successful. 

Along with finding new activities you can also post and share your content to help out the other teachers in their classrooms. Not only is this going to help other teachers it is a good way to release some creativity. 

This is a tool I have used in the past, and I will continue to use this as my career progresses. 

(583) Pinterest



  1. Hi Ali! I LOVE Pinterest! I have been using this tool for years, and there is SO much good content for pre-service teachers, whether it's classroom management, fun activities, or lesson plans. Great job!!

  2. Hi Ali!
    I have used Pinterest for a long time, but only recently have been using it to look at lesson plan ideas, classroom organization ideas, and just tips from other teachers! It is a great resource, nice work!

  3. Hey Ali, Pinterest is a great choice! This technology can help in so many ways! This is such a great resource!

  4. Hello Ali!
    I use Pintrest for a lot of my planning of activities for kids! I love this!


Teachnology Blog #12

  This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning  Teachnology is a website for educators, it has lots of interactive games and ...