Thursday, April 20, 2023

Google Drive

 This blog post is about a tool from Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically, Google Drive in the hardware list. 

Google drive is website where you can create documents, slides, and many more. This is the home base for most of google apps. 

It is so simple to use. I use this in my everyday life. Google drive is a way to keep organized, to keep all of your PowerPoints in one spot. One of my favorite things about google drive is creating folders, to keep all of your stuff organized in one place. This feature will help to keep all of our lesson plans in one spot, or similar topics in one place.
Google drive is used for planning and collaborative work in the classroom. Here we can assign group projects and use google drive for the assignment. This way all students can work at the same time on the same assignment together. This can be used for planning as a teacher so we can plan activities or worksheets. 

Personal Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform - Google


  1. Google drive is a life saver for school. I mostly use it for the sharing features, and the fact that google saves automatically. I don't have to manually save on my own.

  2. Hey Alixandra, I have never used google drive but it seems like a very useful tool. Great job on your explanation. As well as stating the reasons why you enjoy using this tool.


Teachnology Blog #12

  This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning  Teachnology is a website for educators, it has lots of interactive games and ...