Thursday, April 20, 2023


 This post is from my own interest and is from the list of T3- instruction. 

Freckle, this website is a tool for your students. There is content from ELA, Math, Science, and social studies. It is full of mini games that as a teacher you create your class and then assign your students these lessons. As a teacher you can track your students' progress, while they work through these games. 

This website is simple to use. I really like that you can create multiple classes. This will be very useful for teachers who take on different classes throughout the day. 

Freckle has lots of activities for many different grade levels. They have curriculum for K-12. This will be able for many teachers to use for their students. 

I can see myself using this in my future classroom. I find that this will be helpful for review for my students as we go throughout the school year. I like that I can set up what the student sees and what they can work on. 

Freckle is a part of the seven events of learning, event number seven, assessing the lesson outcome. I say this because it uses assessments and data to share with the teacher to see how well their students did. This can be a great and fun tool for all those involved. 

Freckle by Renaissance | Reach Every Student at Their Level

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali!
    I thought that this was a super fun and interactive way to help practice and review lesson activities. I also liked the ability that the teacher has to track student's progress, that can help inform that teacher on which areas are the weakest for students. Great job with your blog post!


Teachnology Blog #12

  This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning  Teachnology is a website for educators, it has lots of interactive games and ...