Sunday, May 7, 2023


 This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically, Kahoot in the software list. 

Kahoot is an easy-to-use full class quiz. On the students' computers they log into Kahoot with the classroom code you have created. The teacher puts the Kahoot screen on the projector and it goes through the quiz questions while the students answer the questions on their screens. Kahoot then creates a leader board for your class as you go through the questions. It is so fun an engaging to do and a great way to see where your students are with your content. 

I think Kahoot best fits with the third event in the seven-event framework. Review, this can show you as the teacher where the students are in your content before they do their final assessment on the content. This could also work for the seventh event as well, assessing the lesson outcome. After you have completed the Kahoot, you can go and look at the reports from that Kahoot. This it will show you what students got which answers correct and incorrect. Kahoot will also offer you to create a new one with the difficult questions, these are the one majority of the class got incorrect. Kahoot is a great tool for reviewing and assessing your students. 

Home - Kahoot!


  1. Kahoot I remember you It was always a great day when we would play. Looking in to the more teaching related aspects of it is interesting as well I all ready knew it was great for reveiw

  2. Hello Alixandra, I have to say I love how you connected kahoot with some of the 7-event framework as well as how you talked about how the tool can have more teaching related aspects over it just being a fun game for the students.


Teachnology Blog #12

  This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning  Teachnology is a website for educators, it has lots of interactive games and ...