Sunday, May 7, 2023

Go Noodle

 This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically Go Noodle in the software list. 

Go Noodle is a super fun and easy to use software for the classroom. It is full of indoor recess activities, as well as interactive videos about educational content. This can be used at any level of education, I worked in an elementary school and my students favorite time was when we used go noodle for brain breaks, or for indoor recess. It is so interactive and engaging for the students. 

This website is full of videos for all subject content, the videos are engaging and keeps the students wanting more. These videos are used to introduce the content to the students. This apart of the first event of the seven-event framework. This is the gaining attention to get the students excited about the new
content we are going to start working on. 

You can access Go Noodle from the website, super easy and create an account. Or you can access this from YouTube.  

Login - GoNoodle


  1. Hi Ali! I have used GoNoodle before for indoor recess, brain breaks, and songs. It is a great tool, especially for lower elementary. Great post!

  2. Hi Ali!
    I think that Go Noodle is a great free resource for all teachers to both introduce content and provide fun brain breaks! I can see myself using it in the future. Nice job!

  3. Hi Ali!
    I have heard of Go Noodle, but have never actually used it. I will definitely use it in the future!

  4. Hello Ali- GoNoodle seems like a great resource. I couldn't access the videos I was hoping to learn more about this tool. It was helpful that you gave an example of how this technology fits into the 7-event framework.


Teachnology Blog #12

  This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning  Teachnology is a website for educators, it has lots of interactive games and ...