Sunday, May 7, 2023


 This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically Zoom in the software list. 

Zoom is a very useful tool for meetings and for educational purposes. With the pandemic over the last few years, I am sure everyone knows about zoom, or something similar to it. Zoom is now a part of everyday life. Many people still offer meetings over zoom for the convince of not having to travel to attend a meeting. 

Zoom is a team video calling software, to allow multiple people to meet and have conversations without being face to face. Zoom is very easy to use, and very straightforward. I still use zoom today for meetings with counselors and other professionals. I think Zoom can be a great tool especially for educators, to be able to hold parent teacher conferences with busy parents to help meet them where they are. This software can help lots of parents while trying to meet with their child's teachers.  

Zoom was really helpful for during the pandemic so that course work could still go on while we were forced to stay home. I preferred the in-person classes, but it was beneficial for us to keep going with our education. 

Within a classroom meeting in zoom, you can separate your students into break out groups, so they are still getting their one-on-one conversations with peers and interactions. This was really helpful to help gage the understanding of the students between each other. 

This software is easy to use. It definitely had a little bit of a learning curve there in the beginning. I can see myself using this in my classroom to schedule meetings with parents or peers and being on a time crunch, zoom can help eliminate the travel time. 

Zoom is an instructional technology; it is used for instructional purposes. To get information across to the students while using it for class. I would also consider this a collaborative technology as well, since it is used for meetings. A lot of the meetings it can be used for in the education world is to problem solve or relay information about a student to their parents or to a supportive peer. 

One platform to connect | Zoom

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