Thursday, April 20, 2023


 This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically, Flipgrid in the hardware list. 

Flipgrid is a website that does video discussion boards. This tool will be best for older grades. I really enjoy this you create your own class, so the videos your students are making are private between those you allow to access your classroom. This is such fun way to get the content, and check for understanding from your students. Giving the students a little bit of diversity and creativity in their assignments is going to be more engaging for your students. This is such a useful tool, and super simple to use as a teacher and a student. 
   Flipgrid relates to the seven events of learning technologies. It is a part of event number five, eliciting desired behaviors. By using Flipgrid you are expecting your students to show what they have learned by creating videos and responding to their peers' videos. This is going to show us as teachers what your students have retained throughout the unit. 
    Flipgrid can also fit into the sixth event of learning, providing feedback. The students are responding to each other's posts as well as the teacher's initial post. 

Flip | Getting to Know You! (

Google Drive

 This blog post is about a tool from Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically, Google Drive in the hardware list. 

Google drive is website where you can create documents, slides, and many more. This is the home base for most of google apps. 

It is so simple to use. I use this in my everyday life. Google drive is a way to keep organized, to keep all of your PowerPoints in one spot. One of my favorite things about google drive is creating folders, to keep all of your stuff organized in one place. This feature will help to keep all of our lesson plans in one spot, or similar topics in one place.
Google drive is used for planning and collaborative work in the classroom. Here we can assign group projects and use google drive for the assignment. This way all students can work at the same time on the same assignment together. This can be used for planning as a teacher so we can plan activities or worksheets. 

Personal Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform - Google


 This post is from my own interest and is from the list of T3- instruction. 

Freckle, this website is a tool for your students. There is content from ELA, Math, Science, and social studies. It is full of mini games that as a teacher you create your class and then assign your students these lessons. As a teacher you can track your students' progress, while they work through these games. 

This website is simple to use. I really like that you can create multiple classes. This will be very useful for teachers who take on different classes throughout the day. 

Freckle has lots of activities for many different grade levels. They have curriculum for K-12. This will be able for many teachers to use for their students. 

I can see myself using this in my future classroom. I find that this will be helpful for review for my students as we go throughout the school year. I like that I can set up what the student sees and what they can work on. 

Freckle is a part of the seven events of learning, event number seven, assessing the lesson outcome. I say this because it uses assessments and data to share with the teacher to see how well their students did. This can be a great and fun tool for all those involved. 

Freckle by Renaissance | Reach Every Student at Their Level


 This blog entry is about an interest of my own, from the L1 group. Planning and information gathering. 

Slidesgo, is a website we can use to up our PowerPoints. It is full of PowerPoint templates you can upload to google slides. These can make what normally could be a boring or a time-consuming process of making your presentations more pleasing to the eye, and more engaging. As a future teacher, presentations are going to take up a lot of our time. So, having a tool like this to help save some time on the beautifying the presentation. 

This is just some examples of what you can see when you go to It is super simple to use as well! 

1. Pick out the theme you want your next presentation. 

2. Click on the theme, and you can download it. 

3. You will have a few different options on how you want to access this presentation. I use it for google slides. 

4. You will get directed to a new tab for google slides. This is where you will copy the theme. 

5. Create your presentation! Add the information you want and need in this. There will be a lot of extra slides, so you just need to go in a takeaway the slides you do not want.

 Slidesgo is so simple to use! I have already used this multiple times! It is so simple and adds so much to my PowerPoints! I love it!
Slidesgo is a part of the seven events of learning, the gaining attention event number one. You can use Slidesgo to create a very engaging PowerPoint about a new subject to get your students interested in the next unit. This can also be a part of the teacher organization aspect of technology. Helping the teacher to create new and interesting PowerPoints with little effort. 

Teachnology Blog #12

  This post is from my own interest and is from T 1: Planning  Teachnology is a website for educators, it has lots of interactive games and ...